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Agenda Digital. Davos January 15-19, 2023

Speaking reservations will close on October 20, 2022

Digital.Davos’ Mission:

The prompt expansion of economic security and physical security safeguards in the face of geopolitical instability.



  • Mapping global sentiment and its underlying factors

  •  Cutting-edge solutions to provide immediate and lasting economic stability worldwide

  • How burgeoning space exploration can help combat economic instability in the midst of global turmoil

  • How to refocus on the global climate crisis despite geopolitical instability

  • How the metaverse will serve as a unifying force

  • Women who are creating economic security despite geopolitical uncertainty

  • Contributions to society from sports, entertainment, and the media

  • Blockchain-based solutions for geopolitical conflict

  • How technologies and initiatives that enable diversified supply chains will help revive the economy

  • What can be accomplished thanks to crypto ecosystem growth

  • Discussing biobanking and biomolecular research findings

  • How VC tactics should change during geopolitical unrest

  • How technologies and tactics that advance morality can discourage corruption and prevent collusion

Digital.Davos Break-Out Sessions

All in-person Digital.Davos events are by invitation only. 

*The Los Angeles break-out session seminars are open for public registration.

How To Set Up an Off-Shore Fund  

This is a two-day event that is held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 16th and 17th from 8a.m. to 4p.m. This seminar will discuss different options on how to open VC and hedge funds within the United States and outside of it.  This event is hosted by ChainBLX.





Image by Diego PH

Patent Strategy and Management

This is a two-day event that is held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 16th and 17th from 8a.m. to 4p.m. This seminar will discuss different options and ways to manage your patent portfolio.





Dimensions: A Seminar About Life and Physics

This is a two-day event that is held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on January 16th and 17th from 8a.m. to 4p.m. This seminar will give you a unique view into quantum physics, life, and the search to find what reality really is.






Tuesday Night Party

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